Golden NitroKara

(Natural nitrogen for your plants)

Golden Nitro Kara Biofertilizer, is used as a soil fertilizer for various types of farm, garden and ornamental products. Each milliliter of Golden Nitro kara Biofertilizer consists of dozens of billions of bacteria for the supply of azote, associate with the root of the plant. It consists of azorhizobium caulinodans, azobacter chroococcum, and azospirillum lipoferum. The existence of sufficient amounts of such bacteriain the environment of plant root, depending on the type of the plant and environmental conditions, causes fixing of 100 to 150 kg of azote in each hectare.

Characteristics of the bacteria in Golden Nitro Kara Biofertilizer

Azorhizobium caulinodans: It is a bacteria which is taken from nature and is very useful for the supply of azote required by the plant. This bacteria acts as an associate to the plant root around the rhizosphere, surface of the roots, intercellular space of twigs tissues, and in the roots of the plants. This bacteria is able to fix 200- 300 kg of azote per hectare in the twigs of its host plant (sesbania rostrata). A. caulinodans can produce hormones such as indole acetic acid and jiberline for the growth of the plant which cause increase in the reproduction of the roots and as a result, the volume of the roots increase and ability of the plant to absorb water increases accordingly. other factors for the plant growth such as oxines, cytokinens, abcizic acid, lomichrome, rhiboflabine, and vitamins required by the plant are produced by this bacteria and it also has a special role in the promotion of the growth and performance of the plant.

Azobacter chroococcum: This bacteria act a free associate with the plant root in the soil and the root environment and can add around 30- 35 kg of azote per hectare in each season from the air to the soil. A. chroococcum helps the growth of the plant by producing materials for the growth in the root environment.

Azospirillum lipoferum: This bacteria act as an associate to the plant root in the root environment and can add around 30- 40 kg of azote per hectare in each season from the air to the soil. A. lipoferum helps the growth of the plant by producing materials for the growth in the root environment.

A suitable and cheap replacement for Urea chemical fertilizer

Effect equivalent to 100 kg of urea chemical fertilizer

Usages of Nitro Kara Biofertilizer

  • Agronomy
  • Gardening
  • Greenhouse products
  • Landscape
  • Ornamental plants

Advantages of Nitro Kara Biofertilizer

  • Each pack of Nitro Kara Biofertilizer has an effect equivalent to 100 kg of urea chemical fertilizer.
  • Increase in the flourishing of seeds, growth of plants and promotion in the quality and performance of the products.
  • Improvement in the soil quality and water use efficiency.
  • Promotion in the health of the aerial and land parts of the plants and more resistance against dryness.
  • Environmental friendly and totally safe for humans, plants and insects.
  • A perfect fertilizer for the production of healthy and organic food.
  • Low costs
  • Easy usage

How to use Nitro Kara Biofertilizer

Using Nitro Kara Biofertilizer for the seeds

It can be used for all agronomic, greenhouse and ornamental products. Shake the bottle well before use. Mix it with sufficient amount of normal water for wetting seeds. (2-20 liters of water depending on the size of seeds) Spread the seeds on a plastic or cement ground and then spray the suspension of Nitro Kara Biofertilizer and water on them so that they are completely wet. Then dry the seeds in the shade. Now the seeds must be promptly cultivated manually or mechanically. Irrigation after the cultivation is effective on the improvement of efficiency of Nitro Kara Biofertilizer.

Using Nitro Kara Biofertilizer for the trans plant of seedlings:

It can be used for all seedlings: rice, tomato, onion, flower, vegetables, summer crops, and other seedlings. Put the root of the seedling in the suspension of Nitro Kara Biofertilizer and water for at least 30 minutes. Be sure that the water is sufficient for the wetting of the roots. Then transplant the seedlings immediately.

Using Nitro Kara Biofertilizer for trees

Nitro Kara Biofertilizer can be used for trees in two methods: holing and spraying

  • Holing method: The aim of holing method is to make Nitro Kara Biofertilizer reach the roots zone. For this purpose, mix one bottle of Nitro Kara Biofertilizer with 200 liters of normal water. Then make a hole with a depth of 20-30 cm in the shady site of the tree and pour 4 liters of the suspension of water and Nitro Kara Biofertilizer in the hole in a regular way. Then fill the hole with soil and do the irrigation.
  • Spraying method: Shake the bottle well and then mix 2-5 bottles of Nitro Kara Biofertilizer (depending on the age of the tree and the shady area of the tree) with an amount of water used for pesticide one hectare of garden. Then spray the suspension on the trees.

Using Nitro Kara Biofertilizer in the irrigation

In case the usage of Nitro Kara Biofertilizer is not possible with the above methods, this method can be used as an alternative. Obviously, the amount of Nitro Kara Biofertilizer used in this method is more. Depending on the influential factors such as the length of irrigation channel, soil texture, steepness of the land, etc. mix 3-5 bottles of Nitro Kara Biofertilizer with 100 liters of water in a barrel with faucet. When the water comes to the middle of the channel, open the faucet of the barrel a little so that the suspension would enter the land.

Using Nitro Kara Biofertilizer for the plants

It can be used for all agronomic, greenhouse and ornamental products. Shake the bottle well before use. Mix it with sufficient amount of normal water for wetting seeds. (200 liters of water for agronomic and greenhouse plants up to 400 liters of water for trees) Then spray the suspension of Nitro Kara Biofertilizer and water on the plants.

Using Nitro Kara Biofertilizer for saplings

Mix one bottle of Nitro Kara Biofertilizer with 20 liters of normal water and spray the suspension on 100 kg of decayed animal fertilizer and then turn it completely upside down. Then, put one kg of the mixture into the hole near the root of the sapling and pour soil on it. Then irrigation must be done.

Using Nitro Kara Biofertilizer in the dripping irrigation system

Shake the bottle well and add one bottle of Nitro Kara Biofertilizer for each 200 liter of water in the irrigation tank. Then irrigate the plants with the suspension.

Instructions for replacing urea chemical fertilizer with Nitro Kara Biofertilizer

In various agronomies, decrease the amount of urea chemical fertilizer to half of the normal recommended amount and use one bottle of Nitro Kara Biofertilizer instead of each 100 kg decrease in the consumption of urea chemical fertilizer with the method of seeds spray or seedling cultivation. For example, if in the agronomy of corn, 400 kg of urea chemical fertilizer is used for each hectare, decrease the amount of urea chemical fertilizer to 200 kg and use it as you used in the past. Instead of the decrease of 200 kg of urea, use 2 bottles of Nitro Kara Biofertilizer in the method of seed spray.

Important Notes:

  • In order to increase the efficiency of Nitro Kara Biofertilizer, spray one bottle of Nitro Kara Biofertilizer per hectare, on the plants every 30 days.
  • Make sure that the after mixing Nitro Kara Biofertilizer with water, the suspension must be used within 6 hours.
  • Do not use aquapura or chlorinized water (potable water) for spraying or seed spray. In case of using such water, the water must be kept in uncapped container for several hours so that the chlor would get out of water.
  • It is recommended to do the spraying early in the morning or at the sunset. Avoid spraying at midday or while it is windy.
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